Phone: 937-498-4566 | Fax: 937-493-4612
Children ages 3-5 (or until entering Kindergarten).
All children enrolled in WVC must also register for preschool at either Shelby Hills Preschool or Whittier Early Childhood Center.
A $25 registration fee is required at the time of initial enrollment. If you are enrolling multiple children at one time, you only need to pay $25. If you enroll another child at a later date, you will be charged another $25 fee. This fee is non-refundable. A key card will be issued to parents to enter the childcare door. There is a $10.00 charge for lost key cards. Extra key cards require a $10 deposit each that will be refunded when the key card is returned. We ask that you purchase additional keycards for any person will be regularly picking up or dropping off to childcare.
Fees are to be placed in the payment box, which is located inside the childcare entrance. Please ensure all payments are clearly marked with the name of the child for whom the fee is being paid.
Receipts will be distributed each week.
We accept JFS childcare subsidy. This application process is handled entirely by the Department of Job and Family Services. You can get information by calling Shelby County JFS at 937-498-4981.
To have your child considered for enrollment at Wilma Valentine Childcare, please complete an Enrollment Application and hit submit.
For a paper application, please print the pdf, complete it, and deliver it to the childcare center at 1200 S. Children’s Home Rd., Sidney, Ohio 45365. Shelby County residents receive priority for enrollment.
Prior to your child’s first day, we will need the remaining forms completed as found under the Policies & Forms section of the website. You will also need to provide your child’s birth certificate, immunization record, custody papers (if applicable), and $25 registration fee.